Joséphine Pithon

Joséphine Pithon's Personal Page


Scientist at ESA (École supérieure d’agriculture d’Angers)

Phone: 02 41 23 56 11 •

Address: 55 rue Rabelais, BP 30748, 49007 Angers Cedex 01, France

Expertise: Ecology, Ornithology

Keywords: Landscape, farmland, urban, conservation, birds, habitat   


When landscapes are shaped by human activities, wildlife habitat is modified, removed or replaced. My research has examined the effects of reafforestation of farmland, wine-growing monocultures, ecological connectivity or urbanisation on wildlife. In particular I study the relationships between birds and their habitats as well as their rôles within modified ecosystems. I collaborate to address socio-economic questions on the interactions between human activities and biodiversity conservation.

I teach fundamental ecology, applied and conservation ecology to students of Agriculture or Environment at BSc and MSc levels. I have considerable experience  in the coordination of  Masters courses in general environmental science, ecoagriculture and landscape ecology as well as in the supervision of Masters and PhD thesis students.

As an expert, I am involved in the development of tools for assessing biodiversity and advising farmers at farm level and in a local network of 100 farmers sharing ideas and expertise about biodiversity management.

© Photos : Pascal Bellion

Selected Productions

Articles and book chapters

Cochard A., Pithon J., Braud F., Beaujouan V., Bulot A. and Daniel H. (2019) Intraspecific trait variation in grassland plant communities along urban-rural gradients. Urban Ecosystems, () 1-9.


Duflot R., Daniel H. Aviron S., Alignier A., Beaujouan V., Burel F., Cochard A., Ernoult A., Pain G. and Pithon J. (2018) Adjacent woodlands rather than habitat connectivity influence grassland plant, carabid and bird assemblages in farmland landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 1-18.

Pithon J., Geneves A., Beaujouan V. and Pain G. (2018) Quelle  valeur  relative  des  bocages  en  Pays  de  la  Loire  en  termes  de diversité et d’abondance des oiseaux nicheurs ? Ornithos 25 (3) : 129-141.

Cochard A., Pithon J., Jagaille M., Beaujouan V., Pain G. and Daniel H. (2017) Grassland plant species occurring in extensively managed road verges are filtered by urban environments. Plant Ecology and Diversity 10 (2-3) : 217-229

Pithon J., Beaujouan V., Daniel H., Pain G. & Vallet J. (2016) Are vineyards important for birds at local or landscape scales ? Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 240-251

Pain G., Van Helden M. and Pithon J. (2016) Biodiversité à l’échelle du paysage : plan d’aménagement dans l’AOC viticole Saumur-Champigny. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés 6 (1): 135-142.


Matutini F., Baudry J., Pithon J. & Pain G. (2018) Using citizen data to assess ecological continuities. SFE² International Conference on Ecological Sciences. Rennes, France. 22-25 October.

Couvreur S, Bertier M, Pain G, Pithon J, Manoli C and Thareau B (2016) How can livestock farmers contribute to maintaining and increasing ecological networks? European Grassland Federation 26th General Meeting 2016 Proceedings Grassland Science in Europe, Volume 21, Trondheim, Norway

Thareau B., Couvreur S., Manoli C., Pithon J., Pain G.,  Di Bianco S. (2016) Socio-technical transition pathways for achieving implementation of conservation policy aimed at enhancing hedgerow and grassland networks International Farming Systems Association 2016 Symposium « Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways », Harper Adams University, UK