An introduction to BAGAP research unit

The joint research unit "Biodiversity, Agroecology and Landscape Planning (BAGAP)" brings together the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRAE) and 2 higher education institutes: Institut Agro (ex-Agrocampus Ouest), and ESA Angers Loire. It is located in both Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions.

The challenge of BAGAP research unit is to promote a diversity of landscape functions (agricultural production, biological control of crop pests, pollination, and maintenance of both rare and common biodiversity) by developing a landscape agroecology for action approach.

This approach should help to better take into account ecological processes in landscapes, whether farmed, urban or forested. To do so we conduct research to:

  • produce knowledge on biodiversity and ecological processes within landscapes and on management practices of stakeholders (farmers, extension services, local authorities...) impacting these processes
  • support action by developing methods for biodiversity assessment, proposing tools and methods to support changes in management practices and contributing to the adaptation of public policies.

To carry out this research we develop landscape and regional-scale models.