Network for the Survey of the ecosystem services fulfilled by biodiversity in agricultural landscapes


The SEBIOPAG-PHYTO project aims at quantifying potential interactions between pest pressure, intensity of biological regulation, landscape context of cultivated fields and pest control strategies at the field level. The project is based on an existing network of pluridisciplinary research groups involved in the long-term survey SEBIOPAG in the SOERE Ecoscope.  The SEBIOPAG survey, which comprises 100 fields that cover a wide range of local practices, production systems and landscape contexts, aims at studying the long-term dynamics of ecosystem services, agricultural practices and agricultural landscapes.

Data describing local practices and the landscape context of focal fields will be analyzed in relationships with observed measures of pest regulation level and pest pressure. Agronomic practices put into place by farmers and their capacity to adjust those practices to observed levels of biological regulation will be evaluated. The potential value of integrating our results into advice to farmers with respect to pest management strategies will be assessed.


Oral Communications

Petit, S., Ricci, B., Alignier, A., Aviron, S., Biju-Duval, L., Bouvier J.C., Bretagnolle, V., Franck, P., Heintz, W., Joannon, A., Ladet, S., Lavigne, C., Mézerette, F., Plantegenest, M., Toubon, J.F., Vialatte, A., Balent, G. (2016) Biological regulations in response to local pesticide use and to the landscape context of fields: preliminary findings from the national SEBIOPAG network. Poster presented at the International conference on Ecological Sciences (SFE Ecologie 2016), Marseille, FRA.

Petit, S., Ricci, B., Alignier, A., Aviron, S., Badenhausser, I., Biju-Duval, L., Bouvier, J.-C., Bretagnolle, V., cordeau, S., Defferier, T., Franck, P., Gibon, A., Goulard, M., Heintz, W., Houte, S., Joannon, A., Ladet, S., Lavigne, C., Lescourret, F., Munier-Jolain, N., Ouin, A., Plantegenest, M., Thenail, C., Toubon, J.-F., Vialatte, A., Balent, G. (2014). Comment favoriser les services écosystémiques assurés par la biodiversité des paysages agricoles ? Intérêts d’un réseau de sites d’observation à long terme. Presented at 7èmes Journées Françaises de l'Écologie du Paysage, Dijon, FRA (2014-10-27 - 2014-10-30).

BAGAP Staff Involved

Stéphanie Aviron (Landscape Agroecology)
Audrey Alignier (Landscape Ecology)
Alexandre Joannon (Agronomy)
Claudine Thenail (Agronomy)
Jean-Luc Roger (biological surveys)
Gérard Savary (agronomical surveys)


  • Coordination: UMR Agroécologie: Sandrine Petit et Benoit Ricci  
  • UMR IGEPP (Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection): Manuel Plantegenest 
  • UMR Dynafor (Dynamics and Ecology of Agri-forestry Landscapes): Aude Vialatte et Sylvie Ladet  
  • UMR PSH (Plants and Cropping Systems in Horticulture): Claire Lavigne et Pierre Franck  
  • CEBC (Chizé Centre for Biological Studies): Vincent Bretagnolle  


ECOPHYTO program of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition, in partnership with the Fundation for Research on Biodiversity.