The CERERE project


CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems



Context & Objectives

CERERE’s overall goal, to be accomplished through the following four objectives, is to help bridge the gap between research and innovation practices in the realm of diversity based cereal food systems:

  • To synthesize innovative practices and research results used to construct organic and low-input cereal food systems based on agrobiodiversity.
  • To share, discuss, validate and enrich knowledge about existins best practices, relevant research results and co-innovation cases through multi-actor activities.
  • To enhance the diffusion of agrobiodiversity-based innovation by supporting existing efforts and encouraging new Operationals groups within the EIP-Agri framework.
  • To disseminate the knowledge accumulated throughout the network’s operation to the wider public.

CERERE is the thematic network that brings scientists and practitioners together to raise awareness about the value of good food, to identify cereal supply chains which use low inputs, to empower farmers and those actors who work with alternative food systems.


Through a balanced, multi-actor network of researchers and communities of practitioners, the project promotes innovation by producing and disseminating accessible end-users materials and training products of farmers, food manufacturers, consumers, researchers and policy markers.

CERERE combines the available scientific results from a range of disciplines, spanning from genetics to agronomy, food technology and nutrition, social sciences, economics and marketing with the innovation and best practices developed by pioneering farmers, advisors, manufacturers and consumers.

Expected Results

Our BAGAP research unit is involved with RSP and ITAB in several tasks to promote pioneer networks in France of farmers involved in plant breeding and who have created new cereals populations. Books, booklets, and practices abstracts (for EIP-AGRI initiative) in one hand and several events (National events, “Classes vertes”) are co-produced.


See the project's deliverables.

BAGAP Staff Involved

Paul De la Granville, Antoine Cormery, Anne-Lise Villard, Véronique Chable


The CERERE consortium consists of 13 partners

Funding & Support

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement n° 727848