The BAGAP research unit contributes to training and to the coordination of various Masters level courses.  It also supervises students of various levels each year.

Doctoral school

BAGAP is a member of the EGAAL doctoral school (Ecology, Geosciences, Agronomy and Food), in which the doctoral students of the unit are registered.

Bachelor and Master courses at Agrocampus Ouest

BAGAP members teach geomatics, ecology, landscape ecology, plant ecology, urban ecology, and hydrology. They are more particularly involved in two specialisations:

  • Agronomy - Environmental engineering, with responsibility for an optional course in ” Environmental conservation and management - quantitative ecology” on the Rennes site
  • Landscape (Landscape project, site and territory / Landscape management and projects, Engineering of urban green space) on the Angers site.

Bachelor and Master courses at ESA

BAGAP members are involved in the training of students, at Bachelor and Masters levels, in ecology, landscape ecology, ecological agriculture  and geomatics. They contribute in particular to two specialisations:

  • Plant production and agro-ecological innovations
  • Environmental Integration and Sustainability

Master in Geography, Planning, Environment and Development

BAGAP members are involved in two courses of this co-accredited Master Agrocampus Ouest and University of Angers:

  • Ecology and eco-engineering of wetlands
  • Landscapes, Environment, Participation, Society

Other forms of education

BAGAP also contributes to training at the University of Rennes 1 (Masters course in  Law-Environment, Masters  in Functional, Behavioral and Evolutional Ecology), through lectures, internship tutoring and participation in assessments. It also contributes, in other forms, to training for various audiences:     

  • Adult training (ONIRIS, CNFPT, etc.)
  • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Landscape Dynamics, ENVAM
  • High level interdisciplinary training on the theme of "landscape".
  • Exchange with professionals or the general public using serious games (e.g. the Landscape Puzzle)