The CONYCIT project


Linking landscape, biodiversity and sustainability in agroecosystems


Context and issues

Land use change is recognized as one of the most important driver of biodiversity loss, and of landscape and climate changes. The consequences of these changes are a severe environmental disequilibrium that affects the structure and functioning of agroecosystems. In agricultural systems, biological control of pest and diseases, gases emission, nutrient cycling, erosion control, sediment retention and water regulation are the most affected by this ongoing scenario.

Landscape ecological studies have focused on the spatial patterns of land-uses, such as habitat heterogeneity, generated by anthropogenic activities. The focus has traditionally been put on understanding the effects of the expansion of the agricultural matrix over the natural vegetation. Although this agricultural matrix has often been considered a homogenous space without ecological properties or role, some recent works have underlined its heterogeneity in relation with the diversity and pattern of farming practices. Understanding how these patterns affect the agroecosystem properties in different types of crops is an important line of research today.

Objectives and expected results

The objective of the project is to establish a network of international collaborations between CAPES (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and the Landscape Agroecology research unit (INRA BAGAP) to enhance high-impact interdisciplinary research and training of qualified human capital in landscape, biodiversity and sustainability in agricultural systems. The expected results from this network are:

  • New knowledge for a sustainable agriculture in Chile with special attention in the role of landscape, biodiversity and agricultural practices in the equilibrium of agroecosystems.
  • Experience exchange in the fields of geography, landscape ecology and agroecology, and the planning of future works in the framework of M.Sc and Ph.D. programs developed in Chile.


Scientific report

Alignier, A., Aviron, S. (2016) Synthesis report: research questions, study areas and methodological approaches used in the landscape agroecological studies conducted in the SAD-Paysage unit. CONICYT project. 11 p.

BAGAP Staff Involved

Stéphanie Aviron (landscape agroecology)
Audrey Alignier (landscape ecology)


CAPES, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Pr. Marcelo Miranda, Dr Ariel Farias 

Funding and Support

Comision Nacional de Investigacion Centifica y Tecnologica - CONYCIT (Chilean Government)
