Scientific publications

Scientific publications


Some publications are availabe here. The others are:

Cochard A., Pithon J., Braud F., Beaujouan V., Bulot A. and Daniel H. (2019) Intraspecific trait variation in grassland plant communities along urban-rural gradients. Urban Ecosystems


Some publications are available here. The others are:

Balbi Manon, Aude Ernoult, Pedro Poli, Luc Madec, Annie Guiller, Marie-Claire Martin, Jean Nabucet, Véronique Beaujouan, et Eric J. Petit. Functional Connectivity in Replicated Urban Landscapes in the Land Snail (Cornu Aspersum). Molecular Ecology 27(6): 1357-70.

Boussard H., Roche B., Dechatre H., Joannon A., Martel G. and Pain G. (2018) CAPFarm : simulateur d’allocation de couverts à l’échelle des exploitations agricoles et des paysages. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés 8 (2) : 141-148.

Buisson, E., Jaunatre, R., Römermann, C., Bulot, A., Dutoit, T. (2018) Species transfer via topsoil translocation: lessons from two large Mediterranean restoration projects. Restoration Ecology 26 (S2): S179-S198.

Duflot R., Daniel H., Aviron S., Alignier A., Beaujouan V., Burel F., Cochard A., Ernoult A., Pain G. and Pithon J.A. (2018) Adjacent woodlands rather than habitat connectivity influence grassland plant, carabid and bird assemblages in farmland landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (8) : 1925–1942,

Dutoit, T., Jaunatre, R., Alignan, J., Bulot, A., Wolff, A., Buisson, E. (2018) Regards d’écologues sur le premier site naturel de compensation français. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 26 (2): 215-222.

Pithon J.A., Geneves A., Beaujouan V. and Pain G. (2018) Diversité et abondance des oiseaux nicheurs des bocages en Pays de la Loire. Ornithos 25-3 : 129-141.


Some publications are available here. The others are:

Bulot, A., Potard, K., Bureau, F., Bérard, A., Dutoit, T. (2017) Ecological restoration by soil transfer: impacts on restored soil profiles and topsoil functions. Restoration Ecology 25 (3): 354-366.

Cochard A., Pithon J., Jagaille M., Beaujouan V., Pain G. and Daniel H. (2017) Grassland plant species occurring in extensively managed road verges are filtered by urban environments. Plant Ecology and Diversity 10 (2-3): 217-229


Some publications are available here. The others are:

Bulot A., Provost E., Dutoit T. (2016) Refuse pile turnover by harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) increases seed density and seedling species richness in dry grasslands. Myrmecological News 23: 91-100

Pain G., Van Helden M. and Pithon J. (2016) Biodiversité à l’échelle du paysage : plan d’aménagement dans l’AOC viticole Saumur-Champigny. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés 6 (1): 135-142

Pithon J.A., Beaujouan V., Daniel H., Pain G. and Vallet J. (2016) Are vineyards important for birds at local or landscape scales? Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 240-251


Publications areavailable here.