Audrey Alignier

Audrey Aligner's Personal Page


Scientist at INRAE BAGAP research unit

Phone: +33 (0)2 23 48 57 70 • Email :

Address: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR 0980 BAGAP, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Landscape ecology, Agroecology, Community ecology

Keywords: vegetation, field margin, agricultural landscape, spatio-temporal dynamic, spatial pattern, long term survey


Current Research Topics

My research aims at identifying how to maintain biodiversity and associated ecological functions face to changes in agricultural landscapes. Therefore I focus on the links between biodiversity, management practices and landscape heterogeneity in space and time. More specifically, my approach consists in:

  • Evaluating the effect of landscape heterogeneity and management practices on biodiversity
  • Characterizing changes in biodiversity and its drivers (such as management practices and landscape structure) through time.
Current Projects
  • POLLIHAIE (2021-2023) "Role of hedgerows in the spaio-temporal complementation of floral resources for flower-visiting insects". Fondation de France.
  • DIVERSIT'HAIES (2020-2022) "Combining hedgerow and organic farming à various spatial scales, a lever for vegetation biodiversity conservation and weed management in agroforestry landscapes ?". Fondation de France.
  • PREPARE (2020 – 2022) « Comprendre et PREdire les effets des PAysages de Pratiques sur la REGulation biologique ». Ecophyto II.
  • FLORAG (2020) « Cartographies fonctionnelles des ressources FLORales locales et paysAGères : quels effets sur les communautés d’insectes pollinisateurs ? ». Zone Atelier Armorique
  • BIOMHE(2019-2022) « BIOdiversité et Multifonctionnalité supportées par les Haies agroforestières et les pratiques agricoles Extensives à différentes échelles ». Fondation de France.
  • AGRIM(2019-2022) « Rôle  des pratiques sur la diversité microbienne du sol et son rôle dans la production : comparaison entre agriculture biologique et conventionnelle à différentes échelles ». Agence Française pour la Biodiversité.
Participation in Networks
  • Member of the French Ecological Society (SFE)
  • Member of the animation committee of the group « Landscape ecology » of the SFE
  • Member of the group « Ecology and Agriculture » of the SFE
  • Member of the SEBIOPAG network

Teaching Experience

  • Responsible of the "Landscape Ecology course" of the online Master « Law and Environment » (University of Rennes 1)
  • Tutoring of Master students « Law and Environment » (University of Rennes 1), every year since 2015
  • Jury for Master 2 degrees (Master 2 « Law and Environment », Master 2 « Functional ecology, behavior and Evolution » - University of Rennes 1), every year since 2015
  • Participation (2016) in the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) « Landscape dynamics »

Consulting Experience


Selected Productions

Boinot S., Alignier A. (2022) On the restoration of hedgerow ground vegetation: local and landscape drivers of plant diversity and weed colonization. Journal of Environmental Management, 307, 114530.

Jeanneret P., Aviron S., Alignier A., Lavigne C., Helfenstein J. Herzog F., Kay S., Petit S. (2021) Agroecology landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 36(8), 2235-2257.

Alignier A., Solé-Senan X. O., Robleño I., Baraibar B., Fahrig L.,...& Batary P. (2020) Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(4), 654-663.

Alignier A. (2018) Changes in a field margin vegetation metacommunity over a 21-year interval and the impacts of structural condition and management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 251, 1-10.

Alignier A.*, Le Coeur D.*, Lanoë E., Ferchaud F., Roche B., Thenail C. (2018) Ecobordure: a flora-based indicator of the agroecological state of field margins. Ecological Indicators, 85, 832-840 * are the two first authors

See also

All productions by Audrey Alignier

Modification date: 09 April 2022 | Publication date: 10 October 2017 | By: Audrey ALIGNIER