Véronique Chable

Véronique Chable's Personal Page


Scientist at INRA UMR BAGAP

Téléphone : +33 2 23 48 70 49 • Email : veronique.chable@inrae.fr

Adresse postale : INRA Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR BAGAP, Domaine de la motte, BP 35327, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, France

Disciplines : organic agriculture, genetics, agronomy

Keywords : Cultivated biodiversity, participatory action research and multi-actors, transdisciplinarity



Research activities within regional (with Brittany and Pays de Loire regions), national (one ANR, two with French foundations) and European projects (five H2020 projects):

  • To develop knowledge dedicated to organic and farming agriculture through two cross-cutting approaches in a European framework
    • to understand the impact of cultivated diversity from the field to the product
    • to organize multi-actor and transdisciplinary research integrating complementary knowledge and know-how throughout the research process,
  • To bring science and society closer together
    • to raise awareness of the issues of local cultivated diversity
    • for the political and scientific recognition of the informal seed system and organic and peasant agriculture.
Participation in networks

Member of the French Peasant Seed Network (Réseau Semences paysannes), Seed Commission of ITAB (Institut Technique pour l’Agriculture Biologique), European Consortium of Organic breeding (ECO-PB) and IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Movements)


Within the European Commission (Member of the External Advisory Board of the Societal Challenge 2, Program H2020, since 2014)


Our research group promotes research-action and multi-actors, in this context the research projects are both productions and means, scientific publications being a by-product of these projects.

Research Projets (3 examples)

Coordination of an FP7 EU project - SOLIBAM (Strategies for Organic and low input Integrated Breeding and Management 2010-2014), "Improving performance and quality of crops in the context of organic and low-input systems by breeding and management"; FP7 KBBE- 245058, 7 800 000  euros, 23 partners, 12 countries

Coordination of an H2020 project - DIVERSIFOOD, « Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems », H2020 GA No 633571, 4 009 851 euros, 12 countries, 21 partners

Coordination of a development and local project « Prévalaye paysanne », funding by  Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso: «Co-construction and initiation of an experimental, local and pedagogical food system to strengthen rural-urban links, science-society, culture-agriculture, biodiversity-production, tradition-innovation on the outskirts of the city of Rennes» (4 partners, 2015-2018, 140 000 euros)

Publications (4 last ones)

Chable V., Serpolay E. (2016) Recherche multi-acteurs et transdisciplinaire pour des systèmes alimentaires bio et locaux - A multi-actors and transdisciplinary research for organic and local food systems. Techniques de l’Ingénieur AG103 (10 janvier 2016) http://www.techniques-ingenieur.fr/base-documentaire/genie-industriel-th6/ingenierie-et-responsabilites-42598210/recherche-multi-acteurs-et-transdisciplinaire-pour-des-systemes-alimentaires-bio-et-locaux-ag103/glossaire-definitions-ag103niv10006.html

Vindras-Fouillet, C., Rouellat, V., Hyacinthe, A., Chable, V. (2016) Empirical knowledge in participatory research: integration of the sensory quality of bread in the plant breeding process of wheat in France. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 4(1): 5-14

Klaedtke, S. M., Caproni, L., Klauck, J., de la Grandville, P., Dutartre, M., Stassart, P.M., Chable, V., Negri, V., Raggi, L. (2017) Short-Term Local Adaptation of Historical Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties and Implications for In Situ Management of Bean Diversity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18, 493; doi:10.3390/ijms18030493

Ortolani, L., Bocci, R., Barberi, P., Howlett, S. and Chable, V. (2017) Changes in Knowledge Management Strategies Can Support Emerging Innovative Actors in Organic Agriculture: The Case of Participatory Plant Breeding in Europe. Organic Farming 3 (1):20-33 doi: 10.12924/of2017.03010020

Book chapters (2 examples)

Chable, V., Louwaars, N., Hubbard, K., Baker, B., Bocci, R. (2012) Plant Breeding, Variety Release and Seed Commercialisation: Laws and Policies of Concern to the Organic Sector. E.T. Lammerts van Bueren & J.R. Myers (Eds), 2012. Organic Crop Breeding. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NY, USA ISBN: 978-0-470-95858-2

Chable, V., Dawson, J.C., Bocci, R., Goldringer, I. (2014) Seeds for Organic Agriculture: Development of Participatory Plant Breeding and Farmers’ Networks in France In: Organic farming, prototype for sustainable agricultures, Bellon S. et Penvern S. (eds), Springer, Berlin: 383-400

Supervision of 2 Ph.D.

Camille Vindras-Fouillet (funding by CIFRE-ITAB, defence 2014) : " Evaluation of the sensory quality of products for participatory breeding in Organic Farming: case of wheat and broccoli». Thesis of the European University of Brittany - Ecole Doctorale : « VIE AGRO SANTE»

Stephanie Klaedtke (funding by FNR Luxembourg, co-supervisor Pierre Stassart (ULg SEED), defence 2017) : " Governance of plant health and management of crop diversity - the case of bean health management among members of the association Croqueurs de Carottes"

Documents for policy makers

Bocci, R., Rey, F., Chable, V. (Eds.), 2014, Policy recommendations to sustain diversity strategies within food systems, SOLIBAM booklet, 20 pages

Modification date: 11 April 2023 | Publication date: 24 October 2017 | By: UMR BAGAP Véronique Chable