Stéphanie Aviron

Stéphanie Aviron's Personal Page


Scientist at INRA UMR BAGAP

Phone: +33 2 23 48 57 69 • Email

Address: INRA Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR BAGAP, 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Landscape Ecology, Agroecology, Entomology

Keywords: landscape agroecology, landscape heterogeneity, cropping system mosaic, semi-natural habitats, hedgerows, biodiversity and regulation services, carabid beetles, butterflies


Current Research Topics

I develop researches in the field of landscape agroecology, in order to assess the effects of cropping systems (organic and conventional systems) and semi-natural habitats (hedgerows and grassy field margins) on insect communities involved in ecosystem services of pest biocontrol (carabid beetles, ladybirds), pollination (bees) and biodiversity conservation (butterflies). My aim is to explore diverse management options at different spatial scales to encourage biodiversity and associated services:
• changes in cropping systems at the field scale,
• hedgerow plantation and management at the field margin,
• landscape design through greenveining or land-use diversification at larger spatial scales.

Current Projects
  • CONYCIT: Linking landscape, biodiversity and sustainability in agroecosystems. International cooperation with Catholic University of Santiago (Chili)
  • AG-FORWARD: Agroforestry for rural development. EU project.
  • SOLUTION: Stimulating natural pest regulation through the diversification of cropping systems at the landscape scale. FRB (The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity) project.
  • SEBIOPAG-PHYTO: Survey of the ecosystem services fulfilled by biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. FRB project.
Participation in Networks
  • Member of the SEBIOPAG network on biological control
  • Member of the group of ecologists of the INRA SAD department
  • Member of the landscape ecology thematic group of the French Ecological Society (SFE)

Selected Productions

Scientific papers

Aviron, S., Poggi, S., Varennes, Y.-D., Lefèvre, A. (2016). Local landscape heterogeneity affects crop colonization by natural enemies in protected horticultural cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 227, 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.04.013

Duflot, R., Ernoult, A., Burel, F., Aviron, S. (2016). Landscape level processes driving carabid crop assemblage in dynamic farmlands. Population Ecology, 58 (2), 265-275. DOI : 10.1007/s10144-015-0534-x

Duflot, R., Aviron, S., Ernoult, A., Fahrig, L., Burel, F. (2015). Reconsidering the role of 'semi-natural habitat' in agricultural landscape biodiversity: a case study. Ecological Research, 30 (1), 75-83. DOI : 10.1007/s11284-014-1211-9

Puech, C., poggi, S., Baudry, J., Aviron, S. (2015). Do farming practices affect natural enemies at the landscape scale? Landscape Ecology, 30 (1), 125-140. DOI : 10.1007/s10980-014-0103-2

Puech, C., Baudry, J., Joannon, A., poggi, S., Aviron, S. (2014). Organic vs. conventional farming dichotomy: Does it make sense for natural enemies?. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 194, 48-57. DOI : 10.1016/j.agee.2014.05.002

Vasseur, C., Joannon, A., Aviron, S., Burel, F., Meynard, J. M., Baudry, J. (2013). The cropping systems mosaic: How does the hidden heterogeneity of agricultural landscapes drive arthropod populations? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 166, 3 - 14. DOI : 10.1016/j.agee.2012.08.013

Book chapters

Burel, F., Aviron, S., Baudry, J., Le Feon, V., Vasseur, C. (2013). The Structure and Dynamics of Agricultural Landscapes as Drivers of Biodiversity. In: Bojie Fu, K. Bruce Jones, Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture (p. 285-308). Dordrecht, NLD : Springer. DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-6530-6_14.

Papers in technical journals

Aviron, S., Perraudin, M., Redondo, S., Varennes, Y.-D., Lefèvre, A. (2013). Hétérogénéité de la colonisation des cultures maraîchères sous abri par les auxiliaires indigènes : rôle de la conduite des cultures et de leur environnement paysager. Innovations Agronomiques, 32, 351-363.

Puech, C., Baudry, J., Aviron, S. (2013). Effet des pratiques biologiques et conventionnelles sur les communautés d’insectes auxiliaires dans les paysages agricoles. Innovations Agronomiques, 32, 401-412.

Conference proceedings

Aviron S., Monteiro A., Baudry J., Djoudi E.A., Pétillon J., Plantegenest M., Puech C. (2017) Effects of organic farming at different spatial scales on natural enemies of crop pests and pest predation levels. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 122: 74-78.

See also

All productions by Stéphanie Aviron

• Stéphanie Aviron's resume