DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress

DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress

The DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress will be held in Rennes on 10-12 December 2018. 120 participants from Europe, the USA, and Ghana — researchers, farmers and actors for cultivating diversity and food quality — are expected. DIVERSIFOOD is an international project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. By integrating existing networks across Europe, the project will cover the whole food chain: from genetic resources to marketing, and strengthen the “food culture” to achieve local high quality food systems.

The DIVERSIFOOD project results and key lessons will be shared, covering 5 key concepts connected with crop diversity for resilient sustainable food systems:

  1. Underutilized/forgotten crops: multi-actor and on farm evaluation
  2. New approaches of plant breeding for diversified and sustainable farming systems
  3. Communitybiodiversitymanagement
  4. Diversity and sustainability within food systems: new relationships among actors
  5. Paradigm shift for muti-actor and transdisciplinary research

This scientific Congress will be opened for external oral speakers and/or poster presentations, to better connect sister projects and researches with DIVERSIFOOD outputs.

Publication date: 30 November 2018 | By: BAGAP research unit