Claudine Thenail

Claudine Thenail's Personal Page


Scientist at INRA BAGAP research unit

Phone: 02 23 48 56 29 • Email :

Address: INRA Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR BAGAP, 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Landscape agronomy

Keywords: Farming systems, landscape management, field patterns, land-use changes, layout/maintenance/production activities, bocage agroforestry systems, agroecological transitions 


Current Research Topics

My research studies are in the field of landscape agronomy. My principal interest is in farmers' contribution to the management of landscape resources. Landscape resources are the landscape elements and landscape mosaics that may deliver a diversity of ecosystem services.

On the one hand, I aim at understanding the spatial and functional organization of farming practices of laying-out, maintenance and production in farms, and the way this organization varies according to the landscape context. On the other hand, I study the impacts of these farming practices on the state of landscape resources at different scales (vegetation covers, ground structures). I pay a special attention to farming activities dedicated to semi-natural landscape elements such as hedgerows and other field margins.

Another emphasis in my work is about the dynamics of change of these interactions between farming systems and landscapes. The operational issue of my work is to identify levers of action to support farmers' transitions toward a sustainable management of landscape resources at a field, farm and landscape level.

Current Projects
  • SEBIOPAG-PHYTO: Levels of biological regulation and use of pesticides along a gradient of practices and landscapes. An analysis from the network Sebiopag (a network to study the ecosystem services delivered by biodiversity in agricultural landscapes).
  • AG-FORWARD: AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development 
  • SÉRIPAGE - River SÉLUNE: Ecology and management of streamside areas and agricultural landscapes 
Participation in Networks
  • Animation committee of the Long Term Social-Ecological Research Site "Zone Atelier Armorique"
  • Research Commission of the Research Federation OSUR "Observatoire Terre, Ecosystèmes, Sociétés"
  • French network Sebiopag for the study of ecosystem services delivered by biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
  • Network of agronomists from INRA SAD research department, French Association of Agronomy, network of agronomists for the development of landscape agronomy

Selected Productions

Scientific Papers

Alignier, A., Lanoë, E., Deniau, J., Le Coeur, D., Thenail, C., 2015. What direct and indirect consequences of dam removal on flora biodiversity at a landscape level ? Study design., 6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Toward resilient ecosystem: restoring the Urban, the Rural and the Wild., Manchester, UK.

Alignier, A.*, Le Cœur, D.*, Lanoë, E., Ferchaud, F., Roche, B., Thenail, C., 2018. Ecobordure: A flora-based indicator to assess vegetation patterns of field margins and infer its local drivers. Design in Brittany (France). Ecological Indicators 85, 832-840. *A. Alignier and D. le Coeur are both first authors.

Garcıa de Jalon, S., Burgess, P.J., Graves, A., Moreno, G., McAdam, J., Pottier, E., Novak, S., Bondesan, V., Mosquera-Losada, R., Crous-Duran, J., Palma, J.H.N., Paulo, J.A., Oliveira, T.S., Cirou, E., Hannachi, Y., Pantera, A., Wartelle, R., Kay, S., Malignier, N., Van Lerberghe, P., Tsonkova, P., Mirck, J., Rois, M., Kongsted, A.G., Thenail, C., Luske, B., Berg, S., Gosme, M., Vityi, A., 2017. How is agroforestry perceived in Europe? An assessment of positive and negative aspects by stakeholders. Agroforestry Systems.

Moreno, G., Aviron, S., Berg, S., Crous-Duran, J., Franca, A., Garcia de Jalon, S., Hartel, T., Mirck, J., Pantera, A., Palma, J.H.N., Paulo, J.A., Re, G.A., Sanna, F., Thenail, C., Varga, A., Viaud, V., Burgess, P.J., 2017. Agroforestry systems of high nature and cultural value in Europe: provision of commercial goods and other ecosystem services. Agroforestry Systems.

Scientific Reports

Chartois, M., Thenail, C., 2017. Pour aider à la gestion des services de régulation naturelle : des enjeux de connaissance et de prise en compte des acteurs. Dégager des perspectives de recherche au moyen d’une approche bibliographique. INRA, Rennes, p. 66.

Thenail, C., Aviron, S., Viaud, V., 2017. Lessons learnt Report: Bocage Agroforestry in France. In: Burgess, P.J., Moreno, G. (Eds.), Contribution to Deliverable 2.5: Lessons learnt from innovations within agroforestry of high natural and cultural value. AgForward EU project. INRA, Rennes, p. 31.

Communications towards the General Public

Thenail, C., Aviron, S., Viaud, V., Guéhenneuc, T., Menguy, C., 2017. Vers une agroforesterie bocagère en Bretagne. Rénover le bocage en renouvelant les points de vue et les pratiques. INRA - Terres & Bocage, Rennes - Trédaniel, p. 4.

Thenail, C., 2018. Le bocage aux différents pas de temps de son évolution et de ses fonctions., Matinales du Pays de Rennes "Bocage dans une approche cycles de vie ". Saint-Aubin du Cormier.

See also

All publications by Claudine Thenail

Modification date: 11 April 2023 | Publication date: 12 June 2018 | By: UMR BAGAP