Gilles Martel

Gilles Martel's Personal Page


Scientist at INRA UMR BAGAP

Phone: 02 41 23 56 76 • Email:

Address: ESA, 55 rue Rabelais, BP 30748, 49007 Angers Cedex, France

Expertise: Animal Science – Modelling

Keywords: Mixed farming – Integrated farming – Factorial Analysis – Surveys – Virtual experiment


Current Research Topics

My main topic is to understand the relation between herd management and crop rotation management. I focus on mixed / integrated farms. At BAGAP research unit, we modelled decision on crop rotations over several farming systems. It allowed us to simulate (thanks to Capfarm modelling tool) agricultural landscapes according to their composition in farming systems. From this research, I produced — with Audrey Alignier (UMR BAGAP) and Estelle Meslin (MFR Janzé) — a serious game to introduce agricultural landscape management to students.

I develop tools to differentiate mixed/integrated farms on their diversity of production, their integration between crops and animal, and their interactions with neighbors. I use these tools to explain economic and environmental performances of farms.

Current Projects

CASDAR RED SPyCE: Resilience, Efficiency, Durability of integrated farming systems

Participation in Networks

  • RMT Livestock Farming Systems and Environment 
  • Livestock Farming Systems and Territories group (INRA/CIRAD)

Selected Productions

Scientific papers

Martel G., Aviron S., Joannon A., Lalechère E.Roche B., Boussard H. (2017). Impact of farming systems on agricultural landscapes and biodiversity: from plot to farm and landscape. European Journal of Agronomy.

Martel G., Guilbert C., Veysset P., Dieulot R., Durant D., Mischler P. (2017).  Mieux coupler cultures et élevage dans les exploitations d’herbivores conventionnelles et biologiques : une voie d’amélioration de leur durabilité ? Fourrages, 231, 235-245.

Petit T., Martel G., Couvreur S. (2017). Le maintien de la prairie dans les exploitations laitières est compatible avec le développement urbain : cas de l’agglomération de Rennes, Fourrages, 229, 77-89.

Havet A., Coquil X., Fiorelli JL.,  Gibon A., Martel G., Roche B., Ryschawy J., Schaller N. and Dedieu B. (2014). Crop-livestock interrelations in mixed farming: adaptations of farmers’ practices over the short and medium term. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 190 : 120–127.

Ramonet, Y., Giteau, J.-L., Tersiguel, E., Martel, G., 2014. Le choix des cultures dans les exploitations porcines en Bretagne. Innov. Agron. 39, 43–53.

Sabatier, R., Durant, D., Hazard, L., Lauvie, A., Lécrivain, E., Magda, D., Martel, G., Roche, B., De Sainte Marie, C., Teillard D’eyry, F., Tichit, M., 2015. Towards biodiversity-based livestock systems: review of evidence and option for improvement. CAB Rev. Perspect. Agric. Vet. Sci. Nutr. Nat. Resour. 10, 1–13.

Books and Book Chapters

Martel G. et Cerdan C. (2014) Vous avez dit territoire ? in Étienne, M. (2014). Élevages et territoires : concepts, méthodes, outils. Paris, FRA : Formasciences, FPN, INRA. 31-36.


Petit T. (2017) Du territoire aux agriculteurs : Approche technique et sociologique du maintien des prairies dans un contexte d’élevage périurbain de plaine. Thèse de Doctorat, école doctorale ABIS, AgroParisTech, Paris, France. Soutenue le 05/10/2017. 350p.


The Puzzle Paysager a serious game on agroecology (in French)

See also

All productions by Gilles Martel

Modification date: 11 April 2023 | Publication date: 22 November 2017 | By: Gilles Martel UMR BAGAP