Hervé Daniel

Hervé Daniel's Personal Page



Phone: +33 2 41 22 54 88 • Email: herve.daniel@agrocampus-ouest.fr

ADdress: AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Département Écologie, 2 rue André Le Nôtre, 49045 Angers Cedex 01, France

Expertise: Ecology Botany

Mots-clés : landscape ecology, urban ecology, plant ecolog


Current Research Topics

My research addresses the relationships between biodiversity and human activities, urban vegetation ecology, urban landscape ecology and especially the dynamic of preserved vegetation along urban-rural gradients.

This work also contributes to a better assessment of the integration of ecological expectations into landscape management (urban green space management, green infrastructure…).

Current Projects
  • URBIO - Biodiversity of urban areas
  • N4C - Nature for City
  • Regional project "Peripheral forests and hedgerows: An ecological network for terrestrial arthropods?"

Teaching experience

  • Community ecology, plant ecology, landscape ecology
  • Applied ecology and landscape management
  • Urban ecology


Duflot R., Daniel H., Aviron S., Alignier A., Beaujouan V., Burel F., Cochard A., Ernoult A., Pain G., Pithon J. 2018. Grassland connectivity does not influence plant, carabid and bird communities in rural landscapes; Biodiversity and Conservation (link)

Cochard, A., Pithon, J., Beaujouan V., Jagaille M., Pain, G., Daniel, H. 2017. Grassland plant species occurring in extensively managed road verges are filtered by urban environments. Plant Ecology and Diversity 10 (2-3) : 217-229 (link)

Pithon, J., Beaujouan, V., Daniel, H., Pain, G., Vallet, J., 2016 Are vineyards important habitats for birds at local and landscape scales? Basic and Applied Ecology. 17 : 240-251. (link)

Daniel H., Le Bot J.-M., Beaujouan V., Philip F., Toublanc M., Bonin S., Montembault D., Hubert-Moy L., Ollivier C., 2013. Les espaces arborés dans les paysages urbains de trois agglomérations de l’ouest de la France. In Trames Vertes Urbaines : de la recherche scientifique au projet urbain (Ed. Clergeau P. & Blanc N.), Le Moniteur, 124-153.

Malecot V., Daniel H., Haury J., 2012. Approche historique et questions actuelles relatives aux plantes invasives : définitions, origine des introductions, notions de risques, nuisances et impacts. Aesturia  18 : 19-32.

Daniel, V. Pellissier, J. Vallet, F. Rozé (2011) - La végétation des bois urbains, In Ville et Environnement : enseignement d'une recherche pluridisciplinaire. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Vallet, J., V. Beaujouan, J. Pithon F. Roze & H. Daniel 2010. The effects of urban or rural landscape context and distance from the edge on native woodland plant communities. Biodiversity and Conservation 19 (12) : 3375-3392 (link).

Vallet, J., H. Daniel, V. Beaujouan, F. Roze & S. Pavoine. 2010. Using biological traits to assess how urbanization filters species of small woodlands Applied Vegetation Science 13 (4) : 412-424 (link)

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 20 March 2018 | By: BAGAP research unit